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Ranjith K U, Sr. Development Officer- Natural Resource Manager
George V A- Sr. Coordinator
Ligi V E- Sr. Development Officer
Philomina K A- Sr. Administrative Assistant
Biju C P- Coordinator, Social Impact Assessment Studies
Elizabeth Penelope Lobo- Sr. Coordinator Administration
Vinayan V S- Research Officer
Varghese K O- Training Assistant
Indira V V- Administrative Assistant
Mrs Meena Kuruvilla is the Project Director of Rajagiri outREACH, the flagship live lab in the campus and prior to it has served as a member of the State Commission for Protection of Child Rights (SCPCR) during the period 2014-2017. Meena has a Master’s Degree in Social Work from Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam and graduated from Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, Kalamassery. She has held positions in committees of various international and national institutions and has conducted over 22 Mrs Meena Kuruvilla is the Project Director of Rajagiri outREACH, the flagship live lab in the campus and prior to it has served as a member of the State Commission for Protection of Child Rights (SCPCR) during the period 2014-2017. Meena has a Master’s Degree in Social Work from Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam and graduated from Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, Kalamassery. She has held positions in committees of various international and national institutions and has conducted over 22
An engineering graduate with an MBA, he completed FDP from IIM-A, and ESP from Catholic University Lille, France and completed his doctoral research in Neuromarketing. With more than twenty years of experience in value-based marketing and youth ministry, he has been a visiting international scholar at
Padua Italy; Vives University, Belgium; Catholic University of EichstättIngolstadt, Germany; Western Michigan University, USA; Nazareth College, Maryland, USA; and Pontifical Catholic University, Quito, Ecuador.
He is the Assistant Director of Rajagiri College of Social Sciences (Autonomous), Kalamassery and Live Lab Coordinator of Rajagiri outREACH. Fr. Shinto, has completed his post-graduation in social work with specialization in medical and psychiatric social work from Loyola College (Autonomous) Chennai, and he holds MPhil in Social Work from Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, Kalamassery. He has attained his doctoral degree from Christ College (Deemed to be University), Bangalore in the area of psycho-social well-being of adolescents: a social group work intervention. He has two years of pastoral work experience in the Archdiocese of Toronto, Canada. He has been a visiting scholar at Vives University, Belgium, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany, Lille University, France, Nazareth College, USA and University of Maryland, Baltimore, USA. He has more than ten years of experience in professional social work, academics and administration.
Dr. Binoy Joseph is the Principal of Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, Kalamassery and CEO of Rajagiri outREACH, with a Doctoral Degree in Management, Masters in Personnel Management & Industrial Relations and a Degree in Law with Labour Laws as specialization. His expertise is in the areas of Employee Resourcing Performance Management, Reward Management and HR Accounting and Auditing and his research interest is in HRM Innovations. He regularly conducts Management Development Programmes for clients, both in India and abroad and conducts training programmes on CSR. He has been a Visiting International Scholar at Western Michigan University, USA and has received the prestigious AUDI Professorship 2013 Fellowship. iv. Rev. Fr. Shinto Joseph CMI- Assistant Director, RCSS
Rev. Dr. Fr. Saju M.D.CMI, is the Associate Director and Vice Principal, Rajagiri College of Social Sciences (Autonomous), Kalamassery, Kerala and Mental Health Professional and Vice President of Rajagiri outREACH.Rev. Dr. Fr. Saju M.D. CMI, is a post graduate in Social Work (specialization in Medical and Psychiatric Social Work) from Loyola College (Autonomous) Chennai and M. Phil in Social Work from University of Madras, his PhD is in the area of Child Development and is currently pursuing his post-doctoral program in York University, UK. He is a partner in International Centre for Mental Health Social Research (ICMHSR), York University, UK and was a visiting International Scholar to Western Washington, Columbus University, Western Michigan University, Nazareth University and University of Maryland, USA. He is an international faculty in the University of Applied Sciences, Western Switzerland and Vives University, Belgium and has received the UK India Education and Research Initiative award (UKIERI) from British Council, UK, for a period of three years (2017 – 2020). He has been awarded Research Fellowships by Melbourne University, Australia for one-year research (2017 – 2018).
Community Health
Suraksha Migrant Project
Rajagiri outREACH is the implementing agency for Suraksha projects functioning at Ernakulam and Perumbavoor sanctioned by Kerala State AIDS Control Society (KSACS), Government of Kerala and has been working for migrant labourers since September 2008. The main objective of this project is to reduce HIV/AIDS prevalence in Kerala targeting migrants who are residing in Ernakulam District in Kerala.
Along with HIV/AIDS prevention programme, health camps, health education, high risk group identification, STI screening, counselling, ICTC, mega events, exhibitions, film shows, World AIDS Day observation, COVID-19 Relief activities, etc. were conducted.
ODIC- Outreach Drop in Centre Project
National Institute of Social Defence (NISD) under the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India empanelled Rajagiri outREACH, Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, Kalamassery, Cochin, Kerala to implement Outreach Drop-In Centre Project in Ernakulam District, Kerala as per the order F.No.45/270/2019 NCDAP/NAPPDR/TI/(ODIC) dated 22.01.2020.
Outreach and Drop-In Centre (ODIC) is a community-based facility for substance users. The ODIC caters to individuals, particularly youth to who use various substances and those who have the least access to resources. The objectives of the program are;
To reduce substance usage in the community.
To protect and promote human and youth rights through various outreach activities among vulnerable young population in the community for prevention of substance use.
To ensure that services are accessible, community based and differentiated along a continuum of care including psychosocial support for substance users, their primary caregivers and families.
To provide a safe and secure drop-in space for substance users in the community, which would have provisions of screening, assessment and counselling.
To render psycho social interventions particularly based on behavioural approaches including Adolescent Community Reinforcement Approach, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Contingency Management, Motivational Enhancement Therapy, Twelve- step facilitation therapy and Group therapy.
To provide referral and linkage to treatment, care and rehabilitation services for substance dependents
CPLI- Community Based Peer Led Intervention Project
National Institute of Social Defence, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Govt. of India, entrusted Rajagiri outREACH to operate CPLI Project in Kozhikode district, Kerala for Substance Use Prevention in Community Setting.
The objectives of the project are;
To assess substance usage among adolescents in impoverished and marginalized communities
Conduct primary prevention activities through awareness programmes
Engage in risk mitigation of substance use among children/adolescents/youth by preventing substance use and delaying initiation of substance use
Identify and train selected peer educators in the community
Implement early prevention education led by trained peer educators
To provide awareness about referral and linkage to counselling, treatment and rehabilitation services for substance dependant adolescents identified in the community
Identifying adolescents subjected to substance use and facilitating their referral/admission into rehabilitation centres/drop-in centres.
Research, Training and Consultancy
Research is one of the important domains of Rajagiri outREACH and have published numerous reports to help policymakers and funding organisations. Similarly, the Training division of Rajagiri outREACH helps volunteers, foundations, NGO and Government departments to possess critical skills to serve the society better. Awareness and advocacy programmes are important to sensitise society on emerging issues and our programmes have been reaching millions through various platforms.
Environment, Resource and Waste Management
Rajagiri outREACH, Rajagiri College of Social Sciences has partnered with Government and Non-Government institutions to support, develop and implement projects and other initiatives that address environmental priorities and to solve problems related to it. Environmental management programmes support the supply of renewable solar energy products and the programme seeks to reduce the usage of electricity produced from coal and fossil fuel and increase the usage of renewable energy. Solid waste management, another major component promotes effective waste management at source and organizes sensitization programmes in communities. Rajagiri outREACH acts as a partner agency for Jalanidhi projects, Jal Jeevan Projects and Haritha Sahaya Sthapanam, in association with concerned local self-governments.
Disaster Management
In 2004, with the occurrence, of Tsunami in the Indian Ocean, Rajagiri outREACH has set up a Disaster Management domain and emerged as a leading NGO in the natural adversity-prone state with agility, networking and readiness. Today, Rajagiri outreach has a large volunteer network for relief activities and had outstanding contributions to the rehabilitation of affected people in the past.
Rajagiri outREACH has been instrumental in the field of Disaster Management in providing prompt and accurate response and ensures efficient bridging between beneficiaries, government machineries and other stakeholders during the time of disasters especially during consecutive floods that happened in the state and also in the recent outbreak of COVID-19 Pandemic.
Youth Development and Higher Education Scholarship Programme
The Higher Education assistance programme of Rajagiri outREACH supports students from underprivileged families who are pursuing professional education. The major sponsors of the programme are Rajan and Grace Foundation, Kinder for Kinder – Switzerland, Sri Ramunni Paniker Udbodhan Trust, Sud Chemie India Pvt. Ltd., George & Sushila Foundation, Prof. Fons Vandarmael – Belgium and Mr. Sam & Jeff Mathew. Rajagiri outREACH has been supporting students with Higher Education Scholarship were distributed to students who are studying for B. Pharm, Hotel Management, BCA, B.Tech, (IT, CSE, EC) BSC Nursing, MBBS, MBA, Polytechnic, B.Ed, Pharm D, BSW, B.Com, etc. More than 1200 youth have received Higher Education scholarships and benefitted as part of this programme. Drug and Substance Abuse Prevention projects have also been implemented among youth under the Central Government projects like ODIC and CPLI which focuses on the comprehensive development of the young population by promoting healthier life styles.
Geriatric Care
While women and children get much attention, ageing is seldom raised up as a social issue in the country. Rajagiri outREACH engages senior citizens with utmost respect and gratitude in all its dedicated programmes and has trained professionals to ensure that beneficiaries experience joy, peace of mind and self-esteem.
Programmes cater to beneficiaries at Day Care Centres for Elders known as ‘Pakalveedu’, an initiative by Rajagiri outREACH, which was modelled later by the Government of Kerala and now runs such centres across the state. The day care centre for the Elderly, functioning in Kothad, Kadamakkudy and Binanipuram, Ernakulam District, Kerala.
“Pakalveedukal” are functioning with the support of various Corporates, LSG’s, clubs, organizations, etc. The emphasis is on non-institutional and Community Based Services (CBS) with the intention of integrating the elderly with the community. The purpose and basic principle of the approach is to assist the elderly who experience isolation, rejection and suffer from insecurity, anxiety and depression.
Women Empowerment and Sustainable Livelihood
Amid improvements in the living and working conditions of Women in Kerala for the last two decades, Rajagiri outREACH has been setting higher standards for its programmes for Women. Focused interventions to accelerate higher education among girls and reskilling among women have been the two biggest contributions to women empowerment area.
Women Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Livelihood Programmes of Rajagiri outREACH are implemented across the state with the partnership of Corporates and The Government. Following are the major programmes implemented for Women
Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Livelihood Programme majorly in Thrissur district.
Skill training on tailoring, handicraft making, organic farming, bookbinding, jewellery making, glass painting, candle making, cattle farming, poultry farming, Cake making, Samosa making, soap making, fireworks, Coir making, Pappad making, Dried prawns and fish business, Mushroom cultivation, Floral Bouquet making, driving etc.
Observation of Women’s Catering service Day and other important days
Small scale business through the establishments of business ventures like
Plant Nursery, Beauty Parlour, Steamer, Flour Mill, Mobile Eatery Shop, Cake making, Tuition Centre, Animal Husbandry, Door to door readymade trading, textile business, vegetable business etc.
Child Care and Education
With Exemplary services in the last 4 decades, Rajagiri outREACH has touched the lives of many children with its unique child-centred programmes. These integrated programmes are devised with the backing of relevant data and are aimed to improve the overall conditions of the family and not just of children. A stakeholder engagement model, involving children, parents and other community stakeholders is being practised to make sustainable impacts through the programmes.
Child Education Scholarship Program
Children are the most important assets to their families, communities, societies and the country. They are the steering wheels in the upcoming generation. It is now that education plays an important role, which makes them responsible human beings. In the process of socialization education, observation and imitation play a crucial role in the development of the child. Rajagiri outREACH, Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, reaches out to eligible children through the sponsorship Programme, to bettering their future. Rajagiri outREACH is presently supporting 2759 children from all over Kerala, by initiating and conducting a variety of child-centred programmes namely:
Distribution of Education kits including smartphones, internet charges, books, pens, etc.
Medical Assistance
Souhradam Vacation Camp
Offline/Online Children’s & parent’s meet
Awareness class on various topics beneficial to children and parents
Offline/Online Sessions
Observation of important days
Child Rights’ week observation
House visits
Submission of progress report to sponsors
Community teaching programme, etc.
Rajagiri outREACH has scaled new heights in this area with the support of Management, Central & State Government Departments, Corporate Sectors, Foundations, CASP, NGOs and Individuals in India as well as Overseas.
Kaval is the project initiated by the Department of Women and Child Development, Government of Kerala for the betterment of the children in conflict with law. The project was launched in 2017, in Trivandrum, Kozhikode and Palakkad districts, and it has now been expanded to all the 14 districts in Kerala. Kaval is being implemented by the Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS) of the Women and Child Department, Government of Kerala,
Thiruvananthapuram, in association with the National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS) Bangalore. Rajagiri outREACH has been empanelled as an NGO as per the Order No. ICPS 3/9665/17 (1) dated 05/10/2017 issued by Director, Social Justice Department to implement the Kaval Project in Ernakulam District. Kaval Project of Rajagiri outREACH is working under the supervision of District Child Protection Unit and the other supporting authorities are Juvenile Justice Board, CWC, Police, Excise and Observation Homes. Kaval Project of Ernakulam District was launced officially on February 03, 2018 at Government Observation Home, Kakkanad. During the period 2020-21, Juvenile Justice Board had assigned 91 children who were in conflict with law to the Kaval Project of Rajagiri outREACH.
Rajagiri outREACH has also been empanelled by Department of Women and Child Development, Govt. of Kerala as per the Order No. ICPS 3/684/20 dated 14.09.2020 to implement the Kaval Project in Thrissur District.
KAVAL PLUS is a project initiated by the Department of Women and Child Development for the betterment of Children in need of care and protection and to the survivors of sexual abuse. Rajagiri outREACH is Empanelled as an NGO by the Department of Women and Child Development Govt. of Kerala to implement the Kaval Plus Project in Ernakulam District. Kaval Plus is the project initiated by the Women and Child Development Department, Govt. of Kerala in order to provide Psychosocial Care and Support for children in need of Care and Protection and Sexually Abused children.
Rajagiri outREACH is the Child Line Support Organization in Malappuram District. Childline is a national, 24-hour emergency telephonic helpline in order to provide care and protection to children who are in need. The Nodal office of Childline is set up at Rajagiri College of Social Sciences and a Support Organization of Childline is set up at Malappuram District. Childline covers schools, Anganwadi and residential areas to identify issues faced by children and find solutions for the same. It provides services like case interventions, open-house programmes, workshops, awareness on child rights and acts passed by the Central and State governments with regard to children.
Child Care and Education
With Exemplary services in the last 4 decades, Rajagiri outREACH has touched the lives of many children with its unique child-centred programmes. These integrated programmes are devised with the backing of relevant data and are aimed to improve the overall conditions of the family and not just of children. A stakeholder engagement model, involving children, parents and other community stakeholders is being practised to make sustainable impacts through the programmes.
Child Education Scholarship Program
Children are the most important assets to their families, communities, societies and the country. They are the steering wheels in the upcoming generation. It is now that education plays an important role, which makes them responsible human beings. In the process of socialization education, observation and imitation play a crucial role in the development of the child. Rajagiri outREACH, Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, reaches out to eligible children through the sponsorship Programme, to bettering their future. Rajagiri outREACH is presently supporting 2759 children from all over Kerala, by initiating and conducting a variety of child-centred programmes namely:
Distribution of Education kits including smartphones, internet charges, books, pens, etc.
Medical Assistance
Souhradam Vacation Camp
Offline/Online Children’s & parent’s meet
Awareness class on various topics beneficial to children and parents
Offline/Online Sessions
Observation of important days
Child Rights’ week observation
House visits
Submission of progress report to sponsors
Community teaching programme, etc.
Rajagiri outREACH has scaled new heights in this area with the support of Management, Central & State Government Departments, Corporate Sectors, Foundations, CASP, NGOs and Individuals in India as well as Overseas.
Kaval is the project initiated by the Department of Women and Child Development, Government of Kerala for the betterment of the children in conflict with law. The project was launched in 2017, in Trivandrum, Kozhikode and Palakkad districts, and it has now been expanded to all the 14 districts in Kerala. Kaval is being implemented by the Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS) of the Women and Child Department, Government of Kerala,
Thiruvananthapuram, in association with the National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS) Bangalore. Rajagiri outREACH has been empanelled as an NGO as per the Order No. ICPS 3/9665/17 (1) dated 05/10/2017 issued by Director, Social Justice Department to implement the Kaval Project in Ernakulam District. Kaval Project of Rajagiri outREACH is working under the supervision of District Child Protection Unit and the other supporting authorities are Juvenile Justice Board, CWC, Police, Excise and Observation Homes. Kaval Project of Ernakulam District was launced officially on February 03, 2018 at Government Observation Home, Kakkanad. During the period 2020-21, Juvenile Justice Board had assigned 91 children who were in conflict with law to the Kaval Project of Rajagiri outREACH.
Rajagiri outREACH has also been empanelled by Department of Women and Child Development, Govt. of Kerala as per the Order No. ICPS 3/684/20 dated 14.09.2020 to implement the Kaval Project in Thrissur District.
KAVAL PLUS is a project initiated by the Department of Women and Child Development for the betterment of Children in need of care and protection and to the survivors of sexual abuse. Rajagiri outREACH is Empanelled as an NGO by the Department of Women and Child Development Govt. of Kerala to implement the Kaval Plus Project in Ernakulam District. Kaval Plus is the project initiated by the Women and Child Development Department, Govt. of Kerala in order to provide Psychosocial Care and Support for children in need of Care and Protection and Sexually Abused children.
Rajagiri outREACH is the Child Line Support Organization in Malappuram District. Childline is a national, 24-hour emergency telephonic helpline in order to provide care and protection to children who are in need. The Nodal office of Childline is set up at Rajagiri College of Social Sciences and a Support Organization of Childline is set up at Malappuram District. Childline covers schools, Anganwadi and residential areas to identify issues faced by children and find solutions for the same. It provides services like case interventions, open-house programmes, workshops, awareness on child rights and acts passed by the Central and State governments with regard to children.
Social Impact Assessment & Need Assessment Studies
Social Impact Assessment Study is considered to be the process of identifying the social impacts of land acquisition as per The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act 2013 (RFCTLAR&R Act). It is used to predict and mitigate negative impacts and identify opportunities to enhance benefits for affected communities and societies. Rajagiri outREACH has been given the responsibility as the State Level Social Impact Assessment Unit by the Revenue (B) Department, Government of Kerala. This assessment is conducted under the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation, and Resettlement Act 2013.
Rajagiri outREACH is empanelled by Kerala State Revenue (B) Department to conduct Social Impact Studies at State Level and is also empanelled by the District Administration of Pathanamthitta, Kottayam, Idukki, Alappuzha, Ernakulam, Thrissur and Palakkad District to conduct District Level SIA
Studies as per Sub-Section (I) of Section 4 of the RFCTLAR&R Act 2013. The SIA study includes the survey of the affected persons, Public-Hearing meetings and eventually to submit the report to the concerned District Collectors, Requiring Bodies and other officials.
Since November 2016, Eighty seven Social Impact Assessment Studies have been entrusted by the Revenue (B) Department, Government of Kerala and Fourteen District Administration, to Rajagiri outREACH..