In order to find a permanent solution to the problem of water crisis, Jal Jeevan Mission: HarGhar Jal was announced by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi on 73rd Independence Day, 15 August, 2019 with an aim to ensure tap water supply to every rural home. Jal Jeevan Mission, is envisioned to provide safe and adequate drinking water throughindividual Functional Household Tap Connections (FHTC) by 2024 to all households in rural India. Under Jal Jeevan Mission, provision of tap water is being made in every rural home so that every family gets potable water in adequate quantity and of prescribed quality on regular and long-term basis.

The Jal Jeevan Mission project in Kerala was started on 15th August 2019 in accordance with the national guidelines. As part of the mission, Implementation Support Agencies (ISA) are appointed to facilitate Panchayats and other Implementing Agencies (IA) in planning, implementation and operation and maintenance of village water supply system.

As per the national guidelines, under the Ministry of Jal Shakthi, Kerala Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Agency (KRWSA) government of Kerala is empaneled Rajagiri outREACH as the Implementation Supporting Agency (ISA) of Jal JeevanMission project in 10 Panchayats. Currently the activities of ISA are undergoing in Six Panchayats. ISA is mainly responsible for preparation of the community through IEC activities along with supporting the GP and IA to prepare Village Action Plan (VAP) by using participatory methods and tools. ISA is also responsible for mobilizing community contribution and capacities the community to own up, operation and maintenance of schemes and assets created part of Jal Jeevan Mission Project. The goal of Rajagiri OutREACH, the Jal Jeevan Mission’s Implementation Support Agency (ISA), is to educate the community about the Jal Jeevan Mission project through various awareness generation programs. As part of the project deliverables, ISA organized different community based programs as, orientation for GP board members and stakeholders, awareness generation programs for school and anganwadi students, wall paintings, exhibits posters in public places, IEC material distribution, Surveys, organized street plays, flash mobs and rallies etc.