Ansila K A

Karuthattil House Edavanakkad
Name of the Sponsor : Mr. Duncan F Knowles, C/o.T.D.H., Denmark

Ansila was referred to the Community Aid & Sponsorship Programme in 2005 when she was 10 years old and was studying in 5th Standard. Ansila was a single parent child. Her family consists of 4 members including Ansila. She is younger one among the two children and her elder brother Ajmal was 12 years old that time. Her father was a Psychiatric patient who committed suicide many years ago. The family resides in Edavanakkad, the place that was affected by Tsunami in 2004. Her mother was a housemaid and her income was insufficient to meet the needs of the family. When referred for the sponsorship, Ansila was an average child in her studies and an introvert by nature. She had limited friends in surroundings and had a limited interpersonal relationship with others. She was given assistance and support by RAJAGIRI outREACH in various aspects. Counseling, Vacation camps, career guidance camp, training programmes, community tuition programmes etc. were provided for her aiming her integrated growth apart from the financial support. She showed remarkable improvement in her studies after she was included in the sponsorship programme. She passed SSLC Examination with first class and now studying Plus Two at HIHS school Edavanakkad. With the regular intervention and monitoring from the social worker from Rajagiri outREACH she also has made developments in her personality. Her mother was affected with osteoporosis and unable to do hard jobs. Due to financial liabilities her brother Ajmal dropped out his study and started working. Then the Social Worker intervened and in the meanwhile sponsor supported them to construct a house. Recently, due to our regular monitoring Ajmal rejoined studies and presently doing Plus two. The sponsor also gifted a tailoring machine to Ansila’s mother, and thus she earn for their livelihood. She aspires to become a teacher and she molds her personality and skill for that. Now her family background has improved socially and economically. Ansila is happy with her gains and she is so proud having been able to be the part of the Sponsorship Programme. 


Limso Poulose

Age: 23 years
Address: Menachery House Karukutty.
Name of the Sponsor : CASP, Sweden

Limso Poulose, presently working as a Faculty of Multimedia and Animation at G-Tech Computer Education, was a beneficiary of the sponsorship scheme from Class 3rd onwards. His family background comprised of parents and one younger sister. His father was a painter and he was the only earning member. The housing and life situation was very pathetic. Even in this backdrop he was brought up as a good student. He was a regular participant in the meetings and camps and his parents were also very co-operative with the organisation programmes. After his school education, the unexpected demise of his father was a shock to him. He recovered from that gradually through the regular intervention and counseling by the Social Worker. After the completion of higher secondary education he has done a Masters Diploma in Multimedia and Animation. Even after the school education was receiving gift money from the sponsor and he used that amount for his higher education and also supported for his sister’s education.

Now his family environment has changed a lot. The construction of his house is almost completed. His sister has completed graduation. Along with the teaching job at G-Tech, he is also undertaking graphic designing tasks. He and his family are regularly keeping in touch with RAJAGIRI outREACH, even during these days. We are happy to report that he is still an active volunteer of our Child sponsorship programme.

It is to be emphasized that all his success could be attributed to the timely support received from the sponsor and guidance from outreach.